
・日 時:2022年8月23日(火)~26日(金)

・会 場:奈良春日野国際フォーラム 甍~I・RA・KA~

〒630-8212 奈良市春日野町101


・テーマ:P&OM and Strategy In the Era of Technological Revolution

・主催:Japanese Operations Management and Strategy Association (JOMSA)

・共催:European Operations Management Association (EurOMA)

Production and Operations Management Society (POMS)

Decision Sciences Institute (DSI)

Association of Supply Chain and Operations Management (ASCOM)




The main theme of the conference is “Operations Management and Strategy in the Era of Technological Revolution.” Environmental issues and the digital revolution are reshaping society and the industrial world. Government initiatives such as Industrie 4.0 in Germany, Society 5.0 in Japan and Made in China 2025 aim to connect factories worldwide and shorten the lead-times of development, production, and delivery. So-called GAFA is changing business models and value chains across the globe. The increasing share of electric vehicles and renewable energy is changing the basis of electronics, automobile and energy-related industries. At this world conference, OM researchers and practitioners from all around the world will share their thoughts and research outcomes to address how OM can continue to contribute to society and businesses in this era of technological revolution. This is a unique opportunity to reflect on how we sustain and contribute with OM. We encourage high-quality contributions in the areas of interest that include, but are not limited to:


Behavioral Operations, Cyber Physical Systems, Operations Management in Emerging Economies, Healthcare Operations, High Performance Manufacturing, Humanitarian Operations, Inventory Management, JIT and Lean Operations, Managing Inter-firm Relations/Ecosystem, Knowledge Management and Operations Management, Logistics and Physical Distribution, Operations Planning, Scheduling and Control, Operations and Blockchain, Operations Interface with Finance, Operations Interface with Marketing, Operations Strategy, Performance Management and Measurement, Platform business, Product Development, Reliability and Maintenance, Quality Management, Retail Management, Risk Operations Management and Resilience, Supply Chain Management, Service Operations, Servitization


Sourcing and Procurement Management, Supplier Relationships, Sustainability Management, Teaching and Methodology for Operations Management, Technology Management, Value Chain Strategy


Well-known OM scholars from all over the world will collaborate participating in the keynote sessions or organizing invited sessions and invited tracks on important topics of our discipline. We are expecting you to join us in this joint effort!






– Early Registration:70,000円(会員料金)

– Late Registration:75,000円(会員料金)





次のURL(https://amarys-jtb.jp/pom2020/)にアクセスし、Log-in IDをご作成の上、お申し込み下さい。なお、参加費のお支払いの際は、「Member fee」をご選択いただけますようお願い申し上げます。



・Call For Paper:https://jomsa52068490.files.wordpress.com/2021/12/pom-nara-2020-cfp-october-2021-update.pdf







World P&OM2020事務局<worldpom◎e-jomsa.jp>